Member-only story
Clear and present danger in Brazil
Brazil is in clear and present danger. Yesterday, the current president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, had a meeting at the Palácio do Planalto (Brazilian White House) with around forty foreign ambassadors in a pathetic and desperate attack and attempt to discredit the very safe Brazilian electronic elections and Brazilian democratic institutions. Practically, he announced to the world a coup d’etat in the same fashion Trump did by discrediting and accusing the elections system of fraud in case he loses the elections, which the polls are suggesting. The coup has been in the making for a while, and yesterday he announced it to the world in that meeting, breaking several Brazilian laws by doing so, including the Constitution. He was trying to gather sympathy and support from other countries ahead of his coup. He also invited top-ranking military officers, which have nothing to do with the electoral process in Brazil, neither are part of any of the Brazilian governing powers. Supreme Court (STF) Chief Justice Luis Fuchs and also STF Justice Edson Fachin, the head of the Brazilian electoral court (TSE, acronym in Portuguese, our elections department), were also invited but declined to go.
The ambassadors received instructions from their home countries to not endorse the falsities and institutional attacks the Brazilian president would make. As predicted, he stated proven lies regarding the…