We never let go of anyone’s hand

Valeria Sasser
3 min readJan 5, 2023
Photo by Lucas de Jesus Ferreira — Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil — https://www.pexels.com/photo/scenic-photo-of-city-through-opened-window-3427847/

This is the first week of a new year, full of hope for better days, after the historic inauguration of Brazil's new president. Out comes intolerance, fascism, and usurpation and in comes the reconstruction of a country in a state of scorched earth. Destroyed to the rim of the most important matters. A disastrous administration was expected given the previous president’s 28-year record as Rio’s council member and as a federal…



Valeria Sasser

Writer. Humanist & Culture Specialist (BA), and Educator (MA). Public Policy, Tech, Politics, Business, Society, Ideas. (My ideas do not represent any entity)