When leadership limits the growth of public service

Valeria Sasser
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readOct 21, 2021


Being ready to take that leadership role is just as important in the public sector as it is in private companies. The profit as an end is translated, in public service, as service as an end. Managing talents (my perspective here) and resources lead to a “profitable” public company where success is measured by high-quality services.

Most promotions and career development lead to a leadership position, but many people climbing the corporate ladder in public service is not prepared to take on these roles. Many times, the issue is severe and…



Valeria Sasser
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writer. Humanist & Culture Specialist (BA), and Educator (MA). Public Policy, Tech, Politics, Business, Society, Ideas. (My ideas do not represent any entity)